i'm a BEEEeeee ZZZZYyyyyyY
9:56 PMsebenaye company aku involve dlm exhibition Green TEch Asia 2010 kat mines.kat exhibition hall die.msti rmai yg xtau kan kat mines tu ade exhibition hall.sebbb..aku pn xtau mule2.heh..skali g..tmpt tu agk jauh lh jgak ngn shoping centre die walopun ade link bridge untuk g cni.penat jgklah jaln.huhu..dhlah tmptnye mcm tesorok ckit...so xramai orng yg dtg mcm kat KLCC.kalo exhibition kat KLCC tu mmg sesak lah.nk jaln pun sush.nk register tu bkn main pjg lgi kene beratur.tp kalo kat mines ni memg xramai lh.visitor die pun byk yg local je.yg intrnational kureng ckitlah.
so aku n yg lain2 kenelah jge booth benombor M24 kat ctu untuk mmperknalkan produk2 kami.yg aku xpert ckit satu produk je.yg lg 3 tu selame ni aku tau gitu2 je.skali wktu exhibiton kene xplain sume bnde tu kan.xke gelabah namenye tu..tp en johary dh bg taulh ckit2 pasal bnde ni sume.so tgl prctise je.but en johary pesan..its ok..do not expect dat we have to know everythbg bout d product.
hari ahad sok plak aku kene g terengganu.ade kusus.3 hari plak tu.sampai hr rabu.pastu hr kamis tu aku blik kg.pjg btul perjlnn aku.satu minngu aku xde kat ofis.cuti lh kirenye.heh..kamis n jum tu bos aku mmg bg off sebb kiteorng dh wat OT..hakhak..tmekasih en johary..
en johary ni baik sebnye.bile tyme2 d baik ni..aku rase mcm syg plak nk tglkn cmpny ni.cmpny ni blh trus maju kalo bioreactor dh beli nnti.mmg mantap lah!tp skrg ni mesin tu kene hold dulu sebb modal kurang.tgh tgu geran dr biotech corp.aku harap aku dapat bina career aku dalm bidang biotek.sebb aku rase bnde makin menarik minat aku.walaupun en johary ni ade mase2 d x ok..tp seriouslah..d byk dedahkan aku dlm bidang2 biotek ni..kdg2 bile aku rase xde keje kat ofis tu..jiwa aku ni memberontak nk cari keje lain.aku xbllh lah duduk diam je xde keje.mule lah nti cari alamt pastu type surat application keje.n jum ni dpn ade intrview.hopefully dapat..sebab tmpat keje tu dekatlah sgt ngn umah aku.alngkah bahagianye kalo dpt duk umah.xyah pikir sewa dh..huhu..
pjg lag pulak..heh..ape2 pun aku rase kehidupan aku makin lame makin mencabar n makin menarik untuk diexplore.berusaha!!!
To Be CrEative In Our LiFe..its staRt With Simple ThinG (^,~)
4:04 PM

Barisan hadapan: eleh..diorng jeles lah tu sebb diorng xde rmbut!

Bawah:yea!yea!suke..padan muke diorng..kitelah yg melepas kan..hakhak.. (^o^)

SEKIAN (^__^)
Dengue fever?
11:02 AM
What is Dengue fever?
Dengue fever (pronounced Den-gay) is a viral infection caused by the female mosquito (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). Dengue fever occurs in tropical and sub-tropical regions and usually increases in the hot and humid months. Dengue fever is not a new disease. It was discovered several hundred years ago. In recent years, dengue fever has become a major international public health concern.
How is Dengue fever transmitted?
Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans (host) through the bites of the female striped Aedes aegypti mosquito (vector). This variety of mosquito breeds easily during the rainy seasons but can flourish in peridomestic fresh water, e.g. water that is stored in plastic bags, cans, flowerpots and old tires. The dengue virus is transmitted to its host during probing and blood feeding. The mosquito may carry the virus from one host to another host and the mosquito is most active in the early morning and later afternoon. A mosquito bite can cause the disease. Incubation period occurs when the viruses has been transmitted to the human host. The period ranges from 3 to 15 days (usually lasting for 5-8 days) before the characteristics of dengue appear. During incubation time, the dengue viruses multiply.
What are the characteristics of Dengue fever?
The Dengue virus travels to various glands in the body where it multiples. It then travels to the bloodstream, affecting some changes to these blood vessels. The virus may cause the blood vessels to swell and leak. The spleen and lymph nodes may also become swollen. Patches of liver tissue may die. Furthermore, a process known as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) occurs. During this process, chemicals used to clot blood are used up, and thus severe bleeding (hemorrhage) occurs internally as well as the skin.
The signs and symptoms of Dengue fever are as follows:
- High fever (104 F, 40°C)
- Chills - Headache
- Red eyes, pain in the eyes
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Deep muscle and joint pains (during first hours of illness)
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Low blood pressure and heart rate
- Extreme fatigue Basically, dengue commences with high fever and other signs as listed above for 2 to 4 days.
Then, the temperature drops rapidly and intense sweating takes place. After about a day with normal temperature and a feeling of well-being, the temperature rises abruptly again. Rashes (small red bumps) show up on the arms, legs and the entire body simultaneously along with fever. However, rashes rarely occur on the face. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet may be swollen and bright red. Although the patient may feel exhausted for several weeks, most cases of dengue take approximately one week to recover. Once a person recovers from dengue, he or she will have antibodies in their bloodstream which will prevent them from having a relapse for about a year.
There is no specific treatment to shorten the course of dengue fever. Medications are given to alleviate the signs and symptoms. Aspirin should not be given to patients. It will cause severe bleeding. Hence, it is advisable to take paracetamol to relieve muscle and joint aches, fever and headache. The patient may be required to be sponged down with water at room temperature using a wet, squeezed out towel for about 20 minutes at a time. This will help to help lower the high temperature. Ice water should not be used for this purpose. However, bed rest is essential to a speedy recovery and the patient should consume plenty of water which will help to alleviate the illness. Patients should be kept in a room that has screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering or else under mosquito netting until the second period of fever has subsided. Hence, mosquitoes cannot bite them. If the patient is bitten then the dengue virus may be transmitted to the mosquito and then to another host.
hmmm...sebnye ade lg info..tp pjg sgtlah..nti letak tp xbce..ape gune kan..hikhik..atleast kite tau n bace walopun ckit..take ur tyme to get some gud information ye.. ;)
High heels dangerous to your health
12:16 PM
The idea that high heels can be hazardous to your health isn't new—orthopedists have warned women for years that high heels can contribute to the development of a variety of conditions from corns and calluses to hammertoes, arthritis, chronic knee pain, sprained ankles and back problems.
Researchers link high heels and knee osteoarthritis, a painful, degenerative joint disease.
In 1998, a team of Harvard researchers linked high heels and knee osteoarthritis, a painful, degenerative joint disease characterized by the breakdown of the cartilage surrounding the knee. In that study, D. Casey Kerrigan, MD, associate professor of physical medicine at Harvard Medical School, and her team looked at very narrow, stiletto heels.
Wide heels no better
The researchers decided to look at the chunkier heels now in fashion to determine if they too are harmful to women's knees. The latest study, which appears in the April 7, 2001, issue of The Lancet, demonstrates that wide heels increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the knee as much as, or more than, spindly-heeled stilettos.
"Wide-heeled shoes give you the perception of more stability when you're standing, and they feel comfortable, so women wear them all day long," Kerrigan said. "They are better for your feet than stiletto heels, but just as bad for your knees."
Study measures knee torque
The study subjects were 20 healthy women with an average age of 34 and an average weight of 130 pounds. Each woman received one pair of shoes with a heel approximately 1.75 inches wide and another pair of shoes with a heel width of about half an inch. Both pairs were 2.7 inches high.
Study participants were then asked to walk 10 meters or about 32 feet, once in narrow-heeled shoes, once in wide-heeled shoes and once barefoot. Researchers measured knee torque, how much the knee twisted during each walk.
Low-heeled shoes or no heels are a woman's safest bet against osteoarthritic knees.
Both types of shoes increased knee joint pressure—26 percent more for wide-heeled shoes and 22 percent for narrow-heeled shoes. This kind of repetitive stress to the knee elevates the risk for osteoarthritis, according to physicians. Low-heeled shoes or no heels, researchers conclude, are a woman's safest bet against osteoarthritic knees.
"It takes a long time to feel the effects of knee osteoarthritis, and once you do, it's too late," said Dr. Kerrigan.
aku adelah antare orng yg suke memakai kasut tinggi2 ni sebb aku rendah..hihi..pasni nk meminimize kan penggunaan kasut tinggi ni..bcoz.....i want 2 stay healthy!dis can make me much more beautifullll...ececehh ntah pape plak..heh..live a healthier life ye all my friends!! ^__^
not in a Good~~
9:39 AMKawin?haaa…knape tetibe terpikir soal nih ni..hmm..sekarng ni dh rmai kwn2 yg kawin..so adkh ande juga mempunyai keinginan nk kawin??mstilah nk kan..heh..tp bile nk kawin adakh kite mgkut trend semasa, dimana ramai yg kawin so kite pun kene kawin…oooohhh jgn..jgn mcm tu..
Ingt kawin ni senang?nk hidup sehari dua je?kalo sehari dua je sume orng nk kawin..mcm nk bukk stu bisnes lah..nk tubuhkan sush..nk perthnkn lg sush..mcm2 dugaan yg dtg nti..hnya yg cekal dan tabah je blh hadapi semuanye..
Aku ni dh ckup mature ken k kawin dh.blh ke aku pikul tngungjwb sbg seorng isteri n seorng mak kpd ank-anknye nti?kalo ikut dr luaran aku mcm bdak2 lgi nih..kalo ikut dlman..dua2 adelah..heh..ape yg dilalutkan ntah..hmm
Aku cume ingin meluahkan ap yg terbuku dlm perasaan aku.aku ank ke-2 dr 7 orng adk beradik.ad 5 orng lg bwh aku.aku suke jd kakk.kakk yg baik n comel ni..ecehhhh..heh..emm..aku dlm usaha mndptkan kerje tetp aku..berusaha menstabilkn kedudukn ekonomi aku.supaya aku blh tlg fmly aku n aku suke blnje adik2 aku.sebb diorng akn g ngade2 kat aku kalo nk ape2 n aku akn knekan diorng dulu..sernk mengenakan mereka semua..heh..
Lagi…aku kalo blh nk hepikan semua orng.aku xsuke tgk kawn aku sdeyh.korang kene kuat.semlm bru aku tau, ade orng yg dugaan d lg hbat dr aku alami.kawan yg jarang berborak telah menjalni sesi luahan perasaan smlm ngn aku.hebat kn manusia ni.mampu bertahan hingga tahap ni.tahniah kepada anda n aku harap ko trus berusaha mncari yg terbaik. Sesungguhnya Allah maha adil.DIA tahu kemmpuan hamba-hambanya.bykkn lh berdoa.
Sebnye bkn ni yg aku nk luahkan..haha..(gelak pulak..)..ntahlah xterluah pulak..aku cume mnghrpkan seseorng diluar sana memahami aku.bkn aku xnk.tapi boleh x bersabar sedikt masa buat diriku ini.tapi andai kata kamu sudah mmpunyai keputusan yg baik..aku redha.lbih gmbire mlihat orng lain hepi dan bahagia.aku?xpe..lame2 aku akn biasa dngn semua tu.life must go on~
Kadang2..aku terpikir..emmm..xpe diriku ini sudah terbiasa dengan semua itu..
Alangkah bgusnya dan bahagianya..jika saat ni aku berada di tepi pantai yang indah dan angin yg nyaman~~